8023 7th Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11228

Understanding the Adjustment of Status Process

adjustment of status immigration lawyer brooklyn

Are you living in the United States and want to become a permanent resident? You might be able to get a green card without leaving through the Adjustment of Status process.

This process is for those who want to move to the U.S. because of family or a job. You’ll need to fill out forms, show documents, go to interviews, and get your biometrics taken. It can be hard, but working with a skilled immigration lawyer in Brooklyn can help make things smoother.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Adjustment of Status process allows individuals in the United States to apply for permanent residency without leaving the country.
  • Eligibility criteria include meeting specific requirements and applying under the appropriate visa category.
  • The process involves completing forms, providing documentation, attending interviews, and undergoing biometric screenings.
  • Seeking guidance from an experienced immigration lawyer in Brooklyn can greatly improve your chances of success.
  • The Adjustment of Status process is complex, but with proper legal support, you can navigate through it effectively.

What is Adjustment of Status and Who Needs It?

Adjustment of status means changing from a temporary to a permanent status while in the U.S. People eligible for this want to get a green card without leaving. It is open to those who meet certain criteria.

If you’re thinking about this, it’s wise to talk to a Brooklyn immigration attorney like Nazrisho & Associates, Attorneys at Law. They’ll look at your situation and guide you through the process.

Who should consider adjustment of status? Mainly, it’s for those currently in the U.S. hoping to stay permanently. If certain conditions apply to you, you might qualify:

  1. If you’re closely related to a U.S. citizen or someone with a green card.
  2. If you entered the U.S. in a proper way and have followed visa rules.
  3. If there is an available immigrant visa for you, based on specific dates and category limits.

It can be tricky to know if you qualify for this change. Rules can change depending on your situation. So, finding a skilled Brooklyn lawyer is a critical first step. They will check if you’re a good fit for the adjustment.

Chatting with an immigration attorney helps you learn about this status update, see if it fits your situation, and find out if you qualify. They will help with paperwork, walk you through the process, and deal with any problems that come up.

In the following part, we’ll dig into more specific rules for getting an adjustment of status. This includes details on family connections, law-abiding entry, and staying eligible while applying.

Eligibility Criteria for Adjustment of Status

When trying to become a lawful permanent resident in the U.S., certain rules must be followed. We’ll help you understand what you need to do to qualify for this status change.

Immediate Family and Family Preference Categories

To apply for a green card through family, you must be closely related to a U.S. citizen. This includes spouses, parents, and children under 21. If you fit in this group, you might qualify to change your status.

If you’re not an immediate relative, you might fit into other family categories. This includes siblings, married kids, and adult children of U.S. citizens or green card holders.

Lawful Entry and Immigrant Visa Availability

You need to have entered the U.S. legally to apply for a green card. This involves being admitted by an immigration officer when you arrived.

Also, your category must have a visa available. The visa bulletin helps show when visas are ready for your group. For your status to change, the right visa must be available.

Maintaining Eligibility Through the Application Process

After starting your application, keep meeting all the required rules. It’s important to make sure nothing changes that could affect your application. Follow the rules throughout.

Even if you meet all the rules, getting approval isn’t automatic. Every case is reviewed on its own. The final decision is made by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

Essential Documentation for Adjustment of Status

When you apply for Adjustment of Status, you must gather and submit certain documents. These essential documents show who you are and your situation. They include proof of your identity, how you entered the U.S., family ties, money, and more.

It’s wise to partner with an immigration lawyer, like Nazrisho & Associates, Attorneys at Law in Brooklyn. They will help you get all the needed paperwork together correctly and on schedule.

The required documents for adjustment of status can change based on your situation. Yet, here are documents many applicants need:

  1. Valid Passport: A passport that’s up to date proves your identity and your home country.
  2. Birth Certificate: This shows where you were born and confirms who you are.
  3. Marriage Certificate: If your status change is through marriage, this certificate proves your relationship.
  4. Divorce Decree: For previously married applicants, this shows your past marriage is over.
  5. Proof of Lawful Entry: Evidence of entering legally is needed. This can be an I-94 or a visa, for example.
  6. Evidence of Family Relationship: For family member connections, you must prove the relationship. Documents like the I-130 notice can be used.
  7. Medical Examination Results: A medical exam from a Civil Surgeon and your vaccination history are required.
  8. Financial Information: To ensure you can support yourself, documents like bank statements and tax returns are needed.

These are just a few examples of the supporting documents for adjustment of status you might need. What you require could differ based on your case and immigration type. Working with an immigration lawyer is key to getting the right paperwork ready and submitting a successful application.

The Role of Petitions in the Adjustment of Status

Petitions are key in the journey to becoming a lawful permanent resident in the U.S. For those already here, it means switching from a nonimmigrant to immigrant status. This can be done without leaving the U.S.

For family-based immigration, a U.S. citizen or a permanent resident should file the Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative. This form proves the relationship between them and the family member hoping to come to the U.S.

When a U.S. citizen plans to marry someone from another country, they file an I-129F petition for alien fiancé(e). This shows they want to get married and starts the process to get a K-1 visa. With this visa, the foreign fiancé(e) can come to the U.S. to get married.

Filing Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative

Form I-130 is very important in the family visa process. It’s filed by the U.S. citizen or resident on behalf of their family member wanting to get a green card.

The filer must complete and send Form I-130 to USCIS. They should also include proof of their relationship with the family member. This might be a marriage certificate or a birth certificate.

Evidence of U.S. citizenship or residency should also be provided. Once USCIS approves the form, the family member can continue the application process to become a permanent resident.

Understanding the I-129F Petition for Alien Fiancé(e)

The I-129F petition is for U.S. citizens who want to marry someone from another country. It should be filed with USCIS to start getting a K-1 visa for the fiancé(e).

When filing the I-129F, the U.S. citizen must show they plan to marry within 90 days of the fiancé(e) arriving. This includes a marriage intend statement, relationship evidence, and other documents needed by USCIS.

After USCIS approves, the fiancé(e) is given a K-1 visa to come to the U.S. There, the couple must marry within the 90 days to keep the application process going.

Including petitions like Form I-130 and the I-129F is crucial for those wanting permanent residency in the U.S. Using skilled immigration lawyers, such as those at Nazrisho & Associates, can ensure these petitions are done right. This increases the chances of a smooth adjustment of status.

Adjustment of Status Immigration Lawyer Brooklyn – Navigating Legal Complexities

Navigating the Adjustment of Status process can be tough without a skilled immigration lawyer in Brooklyn. An expert attorney is key for understanding the needs, getting the right documents ready, filing forms, and meeting deadlines. They help you get why the process might bring challenges and how to beat them. With a firm like Nazrisho & Associates, Attorneys at Law, on your side, you can feel more at ease and boost your odds of success.

To make your Adjustment of Status application strong, having a knowledgeable legal guide is crucial. A top-notch expert immigration lawyer in Brooklyn knows the ins and outs of the law. They work to manage the tough parts and threats, making sure your case is handled well and quickly.

Our team at Nazrisho & Associates is deeply experienced with the Adjustment of Status process. We’ve helped many individuals and families make their immigration dreams a reality in Brooklyn and across the U.S.

Choosing us as your legal partners offers these benefits:

  • Extensive understanding of eligibility rules and needs
  • Skilled direction in filling and filing complex forms
  • Careful checking of your documents for correctness and fullness
  • Help getting ready for interviews and screenings
  • Advice on facing issues and delays

Your Adjustment of Status application is vital to us. We focus on offering you custom attention and solutions that fit your situation. With our deep knowledge and insight, even tough cases are something we can handle well.

Don’t go through the Adjustment of Status alone. Rely on the know-how of Nazrisho & Associates, Attorneys at Law – your steady support in Brooklyn’s immigration legal matters.

The Application Process: Forms and Supporting Evidence

Filing Form I-485

One key step in applying for a Green Card is finishing Form I-485. This form is sent to USCIS to request permanent residency. It covers your personal details and immigration history.

On Form I-485, you’ll provide your name, date of birth, and where you live. You’ll also record your job history and immigration past, like previous visas.

To complete Form I-485, you’ll need to back up your request with specific documents.

  • Bring your valid passport and any current visa.
  • Show USCIS your Form I-94, Proof of Arrival and Departure.
  • Provide your marriage certificate if married to a U.S. citizen or resident.

Making sure your form is correct is a big deal. Mistakes might slow things down or stop you from getting your Green Card. It’s smart to work with a legal pro to avoid hassles.

Biographic Information and Affidavit of Support

USCIS needs a detailed record of your life, from work to school to any trouble with the law. It’s important that everything you say here is true and exact to avoid problems.

Along with personal details, you must also submit an Affidavit of Support. This paper shows you have someone financially backing you. Usually, this person is your sponsor or someone else committing to help.

For this affidavit, you must gather things like tax papers, your salary slips, and letters from your work. They prove the sponsor can afford to support you financially.

Getting your personal info right and completing the Affidavit of Support are key. Working with expert immigration lawyers, like those at Nazrisho & Associates, Attorneys at Law, can help you do this correctly.

Work Authorization and Advance Parole During Adjustment

While getting a green card, you can also ask for the right to work and travel with work authorization and advance parole.

Filing for a green card lets you also apply to work legally in the U.S. This is done through Form I-765. You get a document, called an Employment Authorization Document (EAD), that lets you work. It’s good while you’re waiting for your green card to be approved.

This work permit helps you and your family financially. It lets you look for jobs in your field. Having it makes your life more stable while you wait for your green card.

When you apply, make sure you follow the instructions and give all needed documents. Getting help from an immigration lawyer, like those at Nazrisho & Associates, Attorneys at Law, can make sure your application is correct.

Understanding Advance Parole

Advance parole lets you leave the U.S. temporarily without losing your green card application. Fill out Form I-131 if you need to travel. This can be for seeing family, school, or work.

It’s important for people who need to travel for important reasons. With advance parole, you know you can come back to the U.S. and finish getting your green card.

You must prove why you need to travel and that your plans are accepted by the USCIS. Having an immigration lawyer who knows about green card applications can improve your chance of getting advance parole.

Both work permits and advance parole can help a lot while you’re getting your green card. Knowing how to apply and what they mean is key. Working with a good immigration lawyer can make it all easier and increase your chances of success.

Interviews and Biometric Screenings: Preparing for Success

As you move through the Adjustment of Status process, you’ll have an interview and need to do biometric screenings. These are important steps to see if you’re eligible and legitimize your application. Getting ready for these can up your chances of success.

Adjustment of status interview:

The adjustment of status interview is crucial. It’s a chance to talk to a USCIS officer about your situation. The officer will check your application, ask about your life, and gather more info if needed. Brushing up for this part is key to show you’re qualified and deal with questions well.

Biometric screening for adjustment of status:

You’ll give fingerprints and get your picture taken in the biometric screening. This step helps do background checks and confirm who you are. It makes sure the immigration process is safe and sound.

Before the interview and screenings, really know your application and documents. Study your case details, think about possible questions, and sort your papers neatly. Being well-prepared is very important.

Having a skilled immigration lawyer like Nazrisho & Associates, Attorneys at Law in Brooklyn can really help. They’ll guide you through the interview and screenings. Their advice, tactics, and support can make a big difference in how things turn out.

If you know what’s coming and get ready well, you can do better in the interviews and screenings. This can help you get closer to your adjustment of status aims.

Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them

While adjusting your status, you might face some common hurdles. These issues could cause the process to slow down. They range from delays to issues with your case. But, with the right help and strategies, you can beat these challenges.

Dealing with Delays and Inadmissibility Issues

Delays are a big issue in the status adjusting process. They can happen because of many things, like lots of applications. Or, they might need more documents. It’s key to keep up to date and informed as you go through the steps.

To push through delays, make sure to send in all documents right and quick. Always know where your application stands. If you’re unsure, don’t hesitate to ask for updates from the agency.

Running into inadmissibility issues is also a big challenge. This might be due to past crimes, health problems, or staying too long on a visa. If you face this, getting help from a skilled immigration lawyer is wise.

Seeking Waivers When Necessary

Sometimes, you might not be eligible for a status change because of certain issues. But waivers can help. They give a chance to get past these roadblocks.

When applying for a waiver, showing why you deserve it is crucial. The process can be hard. But, with a strong case and solid evidence, the chances of success go up.

An immigration attorney is invaluable in these situations. They know how to navigate the waiver process. They can make a strong case for you. With their support, you have a better shot at a successful status change.

While the process may be tough, facing these difficulties head-on is vital. Seek help from a pro when needed. With legal experts by your side, overcoming common challenges can be much easier. This boosts your chances of a positive result at the end of the process.

Adjustment of Status Timeframe and Expectations

The time it takes for Adjustment of Status can differ. Most people wait 8 to 14 months. But this waiting time can change. It depends on how complex your case is and how busy the USCIS is.

It’s key to be ready for a wait and stay patient. Knowing about timeframes helps you not to worry too much. Getting help from an immigration lawyer is smart. They can tell you what to expect and keep your hopes realistic.

With the right legal help, like from Nazrisho & Associates, Attorneys at Law, the process can be smoother. They will show you what documents you need and get your case ready. They make sure everything is set right before you submit.

Being prepared and staying realistic can make the wait easier. Every situation is different. But, understanding the process with a good lawyer can improve your chances. They can help make your Adjust of Status process go as well as possible.

Why Seeking Professional Legal Guidance is Crucial

Getting through the Adjustment of Status is tough. That’s why it’s key to get expert legal help. An immigration lawyer can make sure you follow the right steps.

The Importance of Expert Immigration Lawyer Brooklyn Advice

Lawyers like those at Nazrisho & Associates really know their stuff. They help with every part of the Adjustment of Status. This means they guide you from start to finish.

Working with a skilled immigration lawyer in Brooklyn can bring:

  • Help with all needed documents.
  • Correctly filing the right forms on time.
  • Support in interviews and other events.
  • Quick solutions to any problems that come up.

Having an immigration lawyer’s help boosts your chances of a smooth adjustment.

How a Citizenship Lawyer Brooklyn Can Assist

After adjusting status, moving on to citizenship calls for more specific help. A citizenship lawyer in Brooklyn can give this. They guide you through everything needed to become a U.S. citizen.

These lawyers assist with:

  • Checking if you qualify for citizenship.
  • Getting all the right documents for your application.
  • Getting ready for the citizenship test and interview.
  • Standing by you throughout the process.

A citizenship lawyer increases your chances of becoming a U.S. citizen with their help.

Pros, Cons, and Alternatives to Adjustment of Status

Is Adjustment of Status good for you? This method lets many people get a green card without leaving the U.S. But not everyone will choose it. You should think about its good and bad points, and other options too.

Pros of Adjustment of Status:

  • Stay in the U.S. until your decision comes
  • You can work while waiting
  • Get a green card without going back to your home country

Cons of Adjustment of Status:

  • It might take a while to get a yes or no
  • You might not be allowed in due to certain issues
  • There’s a chance your application could be refused

Knowing what’s good and bad about this process helps you make a smart choice. But, there are other ways to get permanent residency you should look into.

Alternatives to Adjustment of Status:

  • Consular Processing: Get an immigrant visa at a U.S. consulate in another country
  • Look into other types of visas, like those for work or family

By looking at these other ways, you can see if adjustment of status is really best for you. It’s important to look at your own situation. And, getting advice from an immigration lawyer in Brooklyn, like Nazrisho & Associates, Attorneys at Law, can help. They can help you understand the complex immigration system and figure out the best way to go.

Considering Family-Based Immigration Lawyer Expertise

Marriage-Based Green Card Attorney Insights

Think about hiring a family-based immigration lawyer for the Adjustment of Status process. This is especially true for marriage-based green card cases. A lawyer with expertise in this area can offer specific advice. They help make sure your marriage application is ready and presented well.

Engaging with a Local Immigration Attorney Brooklyn

Choosing a local immigration attorney in Brooklyn has its perks. They know the local scene, which includes procedures and USCIS office habits. This knowledge can better your chances at a successful outcome. It also makes the process easier to go through.


The Adjustment of Status process is vital for those looking to get a green card in the U.S. It involves meeting special requirements, providing detailed documents, and handling any setbacks. Working with immigration experts in Brooklyn, like Nazrisho & Associates, can make this process smoother. They help you understand what’s needed and improve your chances of approval.

This article has explained the steps in the Adjustment of Status. From who can apply and what documents you need to the process of applying and the role of petitions. We’ve given you a complete guide. Remember, getting help from legal professionals can make your application better and deal with any legal issues.

Starting your journey to a green card is exciting but may seem daunting. It takes time and effort, but knowing what to do and getting help from experts can help a lot. With the right support, the adjustment process can go well.

To sum up, the Adjustment of Status lets you get permanent residency in the U.S. By learning the rules, collecting the right papers, and working with the best, you can face the challenges. Don’t forget, Nazrisho & Associates, Attorneys at Law are ready to help you through this journey. They ensure your application is complete and correct.

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